Is your business ready for digital transformation?


Is your business ready for digital transformation?

business ready for digital transformation

When was the last time you have performed an online transaction via your mobile? A few days back, yesterday, or a few minutes back? Most likely, yesterday or a few hours back or even while you are reading this – right! And now if we talk about consumption of information, sharing of a news or sending a business communication – all via mobile – your answer would be ‘it is happening all the time that you do not know when was the last time’. Now is your business engaging with customers 24/7 through this medium – even if there are no transactions to be performed? If not, can you really say your business is competitive, customer focused and market driven?
Well, we are not saying that digital transformation is all about going mobile. There is much more. Let us understand the term digital transformation better before we look at in detail. In simple terms, let us demystify this.
Digital transformation is a term that has been thrown around a lot for the last couple of y.....

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